I have had a long break from posting recipies on the blog, as I just didn’t have the time for it.
Still … I have made a lot of delicious food that I am excited to post – You will have to start with this one 🙂
This is a healthy, easy and delicious dish, that also is child-friendly – My stepson (6 years old) loved the sweet potatoes ♥
Sweet potatoes
The sweet potatoes are a delicious and healthier (and a more creative) alternative to ordinary potatoes. The sweet potatoes are orange, tastes sweet and contains a lot of A, C & E vitamins. It also contains a lot of beta-carotenes (Just like carrots) which gives your skin a fantastic glow ♥
Sweet potatoes are both great as ovenfried, raw, mashed and for soup

See how beautiful and orange it is <3
Yield: 4 persons
- 12 Chicken thighs
- Ground paprika
- Sesame seeds
- Olive oil
- Salt & pepper
Sweet potatoes:
- Min. 1500 grams Sweet potatoes
- 3-4 cloves of garlic
- Olive oil
- Fresh thyme
- 4 Avocado
- Garlic
- 2 Tomatoes
- Fresh chili
- Lime
- Salt & pepper
How to make it:
- Preheat the oven to 200 degrees (Not hot air)
- Fill a freezing bag with olive oil, paprika & sesame
- Add the chicken thighs
- Mix it well and leave it for aprox. 10 minutes
- Place the chicken thighs on a bakingplate with baking paper on
- Bake in the oven for 30 – 35 minutes
Sweet potatoes
- Preheat the oven to 200 degress (Not hot air)
- Cut the potatoes into thin wedges or fries
- Crush the garlic
- Fill a freezing bag with olive oil, thyme, salt & garlic
- Add the potatoes
- Mix it all well
- Put it aside and let it rest (for as long as you want)
- Pour out the potatoes on a baking plate with baking paper on
- Bake in the oven for 40 minutes
- Chop the tomatoes, finely
- Chop the garlic, finely
- Remove the seeds from the chili and chop it, finely
- Cut the acovados into halfes
- Carve out the avocado meat and put it into a bowl
- mash it with a fork
- Add the tomatoes, garlic & chili
- Mix it well and mash it together – until you gave reached the right consistency
- Season with lime, salt & pepper
→ TIP:
Remember to flip the potatoes 1 or 2 times during ovenbaking
→ TIP:
If you make the chicken & sweet potatoes at the same time, then remember to switch places 1 or 2 times during the bakingtime