I just love quesadillas, and I often order it when i am out eating 🙂 I eat quesadillas as side to soup or a delicious salad ♥
I love Kung Pao Chicken ♥ Kung pao Chicken is a Chinese dish that tastes amazing 🙂 It is a very hot dish – so you should love hot food,…
I love watermelon – But how I just hate the ordinary way people cut it it is dripping, hard to eat, and you don’t get all the watermelon because of…
I have had a long break from posting recipies on the blog, as I just didn’t have the time for it. Still … I have made a lot of delicious food…
I love Autum and Winter, and the food it brings with it 🙂 One of my favourite Winter / fall dishes is this …. a lot of pork, and a…
I just love pizza … Or more correctly …. I just looove Italian pizza. Italian pizzas are just the best pizzas ♥ If I am out buying fasfood, I only…