This kale salad is delicious ♥
I made it for christmas, and it was complementing the fat food (duck, pork roast and danish brown potatoes) so good
My boyfriend liked it 🙂 I have to make this salad more often 🙂
Yield: 4 persons
- ½ bundle of kale
- 1 grape
- 3 oranges
- Aprox. 10 dates
- Aprox. 10 pecans
How to make it:
- Chop the kale and put it in a bowl
- Filetize your oranges & grape
- Slice your dates (into “rings”)
- Put the aoranges, grape & dates on top of the kale
- Top with pecans
→ TIP:
I think that a bit balsamico glaze would be great for this ♥ (I did not have more left 😉 )