20 cloves of garlic (Cut in half, if they are big)
700 grams – 1 kg small potatoes (Baby potatoes)
1 bundle of scallions
1 big red onion
4 carrots
3 parsley roots
2 big beet roots
Sea salt
1 package of great bearnaise sauce
Basil oil
1 bundle of fresh basil
1 clove of garlic
1 lemon
1 – 1½ dl olive oil
How to make it:
Make the basil oil (Just blend all the ingredients together in a mini-blender, mini-chopper etc.
Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees, hot air
Peel the garlic
Peel the red onion, and cut it into wedges
Wash the scallions & take off the outer layer
Cut the scallions in half
Wash the potatoes & root vegetables
Cut carrots, parsley roots & beetroots in half (Or in quarters, if the vegetables are very big)
Cut the big potatoes in half, so that all of the potatoes has the same size
Wash & clean the chicken
In two lemons, pick tiny holes all over with a trussing needle
The last lemon, you grate & cut in half
Wash & chop the parsley
Mix parsley & lemon zest in a bowl
Press the lemon juice out of ½ lemon & rub the lemon juice inside the chicken
Add half of the parsly/lemon mix
Make some space between the chicken meat & the chicken skin (Try not to ruin the skin) with your index finger
The half lemon you have left, you cut into wedges
Squeeze the lemon juice into each chicken breast (Under the skin. In that space between the breast & the skin)
Also add 2 lumps of butter & 3-4 garlics, into each chicken breast (Under the skin)
Butter the chicken with basil oil & lots of sea salt
Add the 2 lemons, inside the chicken (That you have picked with the trussing needle)
Close the chicken with a trussing needle
Add some of the potatoes, root vegetables & garlic in the bottom of the roaster
Add the chicken to the roaster
Add the rest of the root vegetables, potatoes & garlic around the chicken
Add some lumps of butter on top of the chicken & sprinkle with the rest of theparsley/lemon mix
Put in the oven for 1 ½ hour
After 1 ½ hour, raise the heat to 230 degress, take off the lid & cook the chicken another 15 minutes
Take out the chicken & place it on a cutting board. Leave it to cool for aprox. 15 minutes or longer
While waiting for teh chicken, mix the rest of the vegetables in the roaster, and put the roaster in the oven (Without a lock)
Leave the vegetables in the oven, until they get some colour
Take the roaster out of the oven
Pour the root vegetables into a bowl
Part the chicken (Take out the lemons, from inside the chicken. Cut one of them in half, and squeeze the juice out on the parted chicken + the vegetables)