Yield: 4 persons
- 1 whole chicken – (1300 – 1400 grams)
- 3 lemons
- Butter
- 1 big bundle parsley
- 20 cloves of garlic (Cut in half, if they are big)
- 700 grams – 1 kg small potatoes (Baby potatoes)
- 1 bundle of scallions
- 1 big red onion
- 4 carrots
- 3 parsley roots
- 2 big beet roots
- Sea salt
- 1 package of great bearnaise sauce
Basil oil
- 1 bundle of fresh basil
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 lemon
- 1 – 1½ dl olive oil
How to make it:
- Make the basil oil (Just blend all the ingredients together in a mini-blender, mini-chopper etc.
- Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees, hot air
- Peel the garlic
- Peel the red onion, and cut it into wedges
- Wash the scallions & take off the outer layer
- Cut the scallions in half
- Wash the potatoes & root vegetables
- Cut carrots, parsley roots & beetroots in half (Or in quarters, if the vegetables are very big)
- Cut the big potatoes in half, so that all of the potatoes has the same size
- Wash & clean the chicken
- In two lemons, pick tiny holes all over with a trussing needle
- The last lemon, you grate & cut in half
- Wash & chop the parsley
- Mix parsley & lemon zest in a bowl
- Press the lemon juice out of ½ lemon & rub the lemon juice inside the chicken
- Add half of the parsly/lemon mix
- Make some space between the chicken meat & the chicken skin (Try not to ruin the skin) with your index finger
- The half lemon you have left, you cut into wedges
- Squeeze the lemon juice into each chicken breast (Under the skin. In that space between the breast & the skin)
- Also add 2 lumps of butter & 3-4 garlics, into each chicken breast (Under the skin)
- Butter the chicken with basil oil & lots of sea salt
- Add the 2 lemons, inside the chicken (That you have picked with the trussing needle)
- Close the chicken with a trussing needle
- Add some of the potatoes, root vegetables & garlic in the bottom of the roaster
- Add the chicken to the roaster
- Add the rest of the root vegetables, potatoes & garlic around the chicken
- Add some lumps of butter on top of the chicken & sprinkle with the rest of theparsley/lemon mix
- Put in the oven for 1 ½ hour
- After 1 ½ hour, raise the heat to 230 degress, take off the lid & cook the chicken another 15 minutes
- Take out the chicken & place it on a cutting board. Leave it to cool for aprox. 15 minutes or longer
- While waiting for teh chicken, mix the rest of the vegetables in the roaster, and put the roaster in the oven (Without a lock)
- Leave the vegetables in the oven, until they get some colour
- Take the roaster out of the oven
- Pour the root vegetables into a bowl
- Part the chicken (Take out the lemons, from inside the chicken. Cut one of them in half, and squeeze the juice out on the parted chicken + the vegetables)
- Heat up the sauce