This is dish, that we eat often at our house 🙂
Akexander loves it, and he loves the chicken meatballs – They are so good ♥
This dish is very children friendly.
Yield: 4 persons
Chicken meatballs:
- 400 – 500 grams of minced chicken
- 1 egg
- 2 tbsp oats
- Salt & pepper
- grated / ground nutmeg
- 1 bundle of parsley
- 2 cloves of garlic
- Butter (For cooking)
Macaroni pudding:
- 4 dl pasta
- 1 yellow onion
- 250 grams of bacon (Can be left out)
I don’t use bacon often. I only use it if the rest of the meal are vegetarian or with pork. I don’t mix the bacon with other kinds of meat - 2 dl grated cheese (Can be left out)
- 3 eggs
- 4 dl cream (or cream mixed with milk – for a lighter version)
- Salt/Pepper
- 1 courgette
- 3 big carrots
- Raisins
How to make it:
Chicken meatballs:
- Wash & chop the parsley
- Peel the garlics
- Take the meat out of the package & put it in a bowl
- Add salt & stir it, until it is soft
- Press the garlics & add to the bowl
- Add the other ingredients
- Stir the meat well & if you have time, put it in the fridge for min. ½ hour
- Heat up a pan with some butter
- Sculpe meatballs small & round with a spoon
- Fry them until they are golden brown
Macaroni pudding:
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees – Hot air
- Cook the pasta, according to the directions, and let it drain
- Dice the onion
- Dice the bacon
- Fry bacon & onions on a pan – high heat for aprox. 2 – 3 minutes
- Mix all the ingredients for the egg-mixture (mix it with a automatic handmixer)
- Butter a oven dish
- In the oven dish you put pasta, onions & bacon in layers (also grated cheese, if you want that)
- Pour the egg-mixture over it
- Put tin foil on top of the oven dish and place it in the oven (in the middle)
- Warm in the oven for aprox. 30 minutes
- After 30 minutes – Remove the tin foil and bake for another 10 minutes
- Take out of the oven, and let it cool down
- Wash the vegetables
- Grate the squash & carrots
- Pour into two bowls
- Add raisins to bowl
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Nam, nam