Delicious classic dish, that is easy to make & is taking care of itself on the stove 🙂
I always add some dark balsamic & a bit cayenne pepper to my spaghetti bolognese, to give it some more flavour.
I also always use fresh pasta, as I think it tastes a lot better (I also use that in my lasagne)
Yield: 4 persons
- 500 grams of fresh pasta
- 400 – 500 grams of ground beef
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 1 chili
- 2 cans of chopped tomatoes
- 1 small can tomato puré
- 3 carrots
- 1 courgette
- 1 big red onion
- Dark balsamic (4 tbsp)
- Oliveoil
- Salt
- Parmesan
- Maybe: 2 pinch of cayenne pepper
How to make it:
- Wash the carrots & courgette
- Grate them coarsely
- Peel garlics & onion
- Chop garlics & onion
- Wash the chili
- Cut the chili in half, and chop one of them finely (If you don’t want it to hot, then remove the seeds)
- Heat up a pot with olive oil in
- Add onion, garlic & chili
- Fry until the onions are soft
- Add ground beef
- Fry & stir the meat until it is all brown
- Add tomato paste & chopped tomatoes – Mix it
- Add the grated carrots, courgette, balsamic & salt (Add cayenne pepper too, if you wish)
- Mix it all well & leave it to simmer (without lid) for 30 – 60 minutes (The longerm the better)
- Season with salt
- Prepare the pasta
- Serve the pasta & the bolognese in each pot directly on the table or mix the pasta & bolognese together in a big bowl & grate some delicious parmesan on top (Finely grated)