For a food-loving pig like me, it is amazing to finallyhave my own meat thermometer.
I am making food all the time, and love it.. But I have never bought myself a meat thermometer – I had an idea, that I didn’t need it – but I have never made a lot of pot roast in my life eighter 🙂 Well they are not easy to make perfect without a meat thermometer
And now, I finally got one – And an awesome one ♥ I have acquired me a bluetooth meat thermometer from Coolstuff.
And I am sooo looking forward to start making a lot of delicious roasts ♥
Some time ago, i tried my new meat thermometer out on a roast, and the result was really good (well, the roast was a little bit to red, but it was ok 🙂 ) and it was not the thermometers fault that the roast was too red, It is me who need more practice in using it 🙂
I am really looking forward to using it more, and get better …
The meat thermometer has a really nice design, and has two wire outputs, so you can keep an eye on two things ata time – great! 🙂 The wires are made of stainless steal and can withstand up to 380 degress. The is a magnet, so you can attach it to the oven.
The thermometer has an ‘on/off’ button and a ‘pair’ button as are used to pair the device with a mobile phone..
And that’s the great thing – You can pair it with your phone..
Download the app: Grill smart (get it for free to iOS & Android)
So, when you have the thermometer & the app, you can keep an eye on the time on your phone, and then do a lot of other things in the mean time :), you don’t have to run back and forth to check.
Also, you can add different timers on your phone, so that you don’t forget to check on it now and then, if that’s what you want 🙂 When the roast are done, the alarm will ring, both on your phone and on the device 🙂
How to use it:
- Place your meat thermometer in the middleof the roast (o the side). If you put it inthe ends of the roast, you will get holes all the way through on all your pieces 😉
- Then on your phone, you choose wich animal you are cooking and if it are going to be: rare, medium rare, medium or well done.
- And then it’s just in the oven with the roast! 🙂
* The application tells you the temperature, sets alarms and tells you approximately how much longer until your food is ready. Take a look at and save your cooking history, including graphs, and find recommended temperatures for different kinds of food.
I am so happy about my new meat thermometer, and i am sooo looking forward to getting to know it much better and be able to make delicious delicious roasts ♥
Package contains:
- Bluetooth Grill Thermometer
- 2 food probes (each with a probe measuring approx. 90 cm)
- 2 AAA batteries
- Instruction manual in English, Swedish and German